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Piecing the budgeting puzzle

Follow the four simple rules of YNAB to solve your budgeting problems.

Save for a rainy day

YNAB encourages you to save your hard-earned money for a time when you may need it the most, be it for a Christmas present or for your car repair. Use YNAB to set aside some amount from your budget for emergency expenses, because not every month is going to be smooth sailing. In times when you are strapped for cash, it always helps to know where you can go looking for money.


Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving. 

Software programs may be coded with 0's and 1's, but a set of principles is what breathes life into them. You Need a Budget (YNAB) is based on four simple rules that help you manage your money better. Save more, spend efficiently, make use of every dollar in your account with our software. Budgeting can often be a nightmare, but with YNAB's methods it can also be fun. 

Give every dollar a job

Know where your money goes, assign an amount to each of your day-to-day tasks, it could be your daily cup of coffee at the coffee shop or buying groceries at the supermarket. Breaking your expenses down into smaller quantities will make them easy to keep track of, and help you save better.

Adjust and improvise

Sometimes you might end up overspending on a certain category, but that doesn't mean you have to keep sticking to a plan. Make your budget flexible by improvising, if you spent too much on a category, move some funds from another. Remember, it's your budget and you are the boss!

Live on last month's income

Living on your last month's income may seem tough, but on the contrary, it is easy to implement. Save enough money to cover a month's expenses, use this amount as a buffer till you receive your next income. This allows you to plan your budget in advance, and even lets you plan for emergency expenses.

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